Why Ruby class methods aren't always private (and how to fix it)
Accidentally exposing methods as public in `class << self` is surprisingly easy
My Favorite Rails Upgrade Strategy
Ditch the rake task and try this method instead
How to run your feature specs using Capybara and Headless Chrome
Enjoy faster testing!
[Ruby] How to get the name of the calling method?
Puma vs. Unicorn
Rake task to import a production DB dump
What is "frozen_string_literal" in Ruby?
Why use this magic comment?
If you really need to create a monkey patch, do it properly
An awesome Wiki built with Ruby and Rails!
Have a Rails 2 app? You can run it on the newest Ruby!
Interesting script written in Ruby: "The Globe"
A simple way to deploy your Rails applications
How to test ElasticSearch in a Rails application
Replacing Selenium with Poltergeist
My dotfiles
Regex to match Youtube URLs (using Ruby)
How to test Rails mailers using RSpec