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Lucas Caton

What is "frozen_string_literal" in Ruby?

Why use this magic comment?

Lucas Caton

Lucas Caton

Freezing Strings feature improves apps performance by freezing Strings. So, Matz, Ruby's creator, decided to make all String literals frozen (immutable) by default in Ruby 3.0. Update: the Ruby team changed their mind and this didn't happen when Ruby 3.0 was released.
In order to have a transition path to this coming big change, it was decided to have a magic comment at the beginning of files, so you can use in Ruby 2.x. To do so, just add this comment in the first line of your files:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class YourClass
  # ...
Try adding it to your spec_helper or rails_helper file and let me know in the comments if your performance gets any better.

More info: Ruby issue #8976.

Post updated at 11/09/2024, 10:00:00